Yet another blender day of celebration .18Th of this month is celebrated as Bus day at Kochi.This day was celebrated to attract more people to travel in bus, to reduce traffic block&air pollution.Transport Minister ,District collector,M.L.A,&some cini artists travelled in low –floor bus ,with escort of media .Minister said ,if this is a success,it will spread to whole state.
.But the common people did see nothing new.
Here private buses are murders.Traffic rules are not applicable to them,high charges,&stuff people more that sitting &standing capacity&some times push travelers at the time they landing from bus to overtake the bus in front. To reduce traffic is to give good fecilities like good road,good buses,&good services of bus operators.
When low-floor bus came passengers accepted with happiness.Even the charge is high passengers can reach at home with out fear of death.
Bus day celibration is not a solutoion to reduce traffic&pollution.Ministers can reduce traffic as they can share car more ministers go in same way &avoid excort.Common passengers can share there car with friends.Metro will reduce traffic like at Delhi.
Here development is not important,contraversy is impotant.