Thursday, August 18, 2011

Victory of an ordinary person

We celebrated 65th Independence day this week.But apprehension uncertainty was reflected over the celebrations.The next day,16th of August,Anna Hazare started his vow of fasting to give an end to corruption.Central Government and Delhi police was standing on throne that day.As a precaution,police arrested him and send to jail before he started his fasting.But he was fasting in jail and refused to come out till he gives permission to have vow of fasting in Ramlila ground for 30days.Lots of supporters crowded before jail .Police had to struggle to cont role the supporters.
Corruption can not be controlled by a bill in a day.Government in April made an agreement with Hazare to bring bill in parliamentGovernment made a committee.Ministers,Lawyers and such persons are members of this committee, and give a form for the bill.When the bill came in Parliament ,Hazare burned the same as he was not satisfied the bill.He says that Prime Minister must come under this bill.Hazare said he will start fasting till death ,Government must consider his demands.
Today after many discussions with Government and Hazare ,there came an agreement to do fasting in Rmamlila ground only for 2 weeks .He will come out of jail.

The Government conquered before an ordinary man.