Wednesday, October 19, 2011


India is a democratic country.Electing our M.P.S & M.L.S are very costly process and this brings a stable Government.The common people gives vote to these representatives to bring the wants before the Government and that will be the promises of these people at the time of election.But now Assemblies &Parliaments became the place for other activities.

Last week Kerala assembly saw an unusual scenes.Some M.L.A's tried to come near the speaker ,some pushed watch &ward,shouting each other,etc.When the speaker gave punishment for some .M.L.A.'s they didn't like it.We ,the comm en people elect these people to help the Government in making laws &development of the country.But these people find this position only for the benefit of themselves .They are not interested in passing bills for the benefit of people.At the time of increasing their remuneration ,all of these will support without considering their party.What is the pro missed at the time of election,they forget &they only their position &benefits.

The common people had to suffer till next election.It is because these M.L.A.S&M.P.S forget their promise.If any elected can recall by the voters ,if they are not benefited by these people,they will not behave like this.

The voters are fools.They will cast vote next time to another one in the belief that this new one will do some thing to the voters.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

End of an erra.

Steve Jobs passed away on October 5th.His life is a text book for business people.He succeeded in in making faultiness products.That was his success.
In 1975research work was going on for the development of personal computers.Both Steve Wosnik&Steve Jobes ,designed ,developed &marketed the commercial personal computers.In 1977 APPLE introduced two computer modals in West Cost computer fair at Sanfrancisco.In 1984 APPLE introduced Macintosh with key board ,mouse&graphic enter face.Now there is cod less and magic mouse.

He popularised mobile with touch screen.In 2001 he introduced i-pod with mp3 player.He brought i-tunes to download music.I-pod is popular among youth.
He introduced i-pad in 2010 ,the tablet P.C.
He is the magician in the world of computers.