Tuesday, October 11, 2011

End of an erra.

Steve Jobs passed away on October 5th.His life is a text book for business people.He succeeded in in making faultiness products.That was his success.
In 1975research work was going on for the development of personal computers.Both Steve Wosnik&Steve Jobes ,designed ,developed &marketed the commercial personal computers.In 1977 APPLE introduced two computer modals in West Cost computer fair at Sanfrancisco.In 1984 APPLE introduced Macintosh with key board ,mouse&graphic enter face.Now there is cod less and magic mouse.

He popularised mobile with touch screen.In 2001 he introduced i-pod with mp3 player.He brought i-tunes to download music.I-pod is popular among youth.
He introduced i-pad in 2010 ,the tablet P.C.
He is the magician in the world of computers.


  1. Dear Sumavarma: Steve Jobs said adieu while working on his jobs!Such is the story of man.Your words recall his success to our minds. Thanks!:-Satish
